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Photography exhibition in Fuengirola

Do you love taking photosat any moment or on the other hand you only take lots of pictures while you are on holiday?Whichever is the case, if you like photography you will surely enjoy the free exhibition that right now is on display at Casa de la Cultura in Fuengirola.

This exhibition is called “3 out of 3, 30 years of photography”, it will be open till next Wednesday the 28th of January and it is composed of pictures taken by 8 former students of the photography course organised by the City Council.

This course in fact is one of the most popular of all courses in town. The reason might be there aren’t many places where you can take photos as beautiful as the ones you can take in Fuengirola. This is possibly due to the great sun and light we have in here… Don’t you think so?

In the exhibition there are around 60 photos and this is the third which is housed in Casa del Cultura to commemorate the 30th anniversary of this emblematic local building.

Well, if you don’t have plans for the next few days, why don’t you visit our town centre and take a look at this fantastic showing? We are sure that these amazing photos will give you great ideas and will motivate you to continue immortalising your life and holidays in pictures!

Beatriz Muñoz

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