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October 12: Hispanic Day

October 12 is the national holiday of Spain as it commemorates the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus .

Christopher Columbus

This Thursday is therefore a holiday in our country and in which a military parade is traditionally held in Madrid attended by the King and the Royal Family as well as representatives of the State .

October 12 is known as "Hispanic Day" although it is also known as "Pillar Day" because it is also the day of the Virgen del Pilar, patron saint of Aragon .

In addition to all this, it is also the last day of the Fuengirola Fair , so if you are lucky enough to be staying at the Hotel Yaramar, your hotel in Fuengirola , we recommend that you take the opportunity to visit it for the last time this year.

Happy Hispanic Day and happy end of the fair!!

Beatriz Munoz

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