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Sugarcane Honey

Some weeks ago, here on the blog of Hotel Yaramar we told you about the great quality of the new dishes available at the Rivera Beach Club and we shared with you on our Facebook page the menu designed by our chef Salvador López.

Today continuing with the topic of local food and culture we would like to tell you about sugarcane honey, a very typical product from the Malaga region which is also a very important ingredient in one of the dishes of Salvador’s menu.

One of the most popular and most recommended dishes of his menu is the fried aubergine with sugarcane honey. Sugar cane honey is very typical from here and also the perfect ingredient not just in desserts but also in savoury dishes, like fry ups, as the mix of so very different flavours works incredibly well.

sugarcane honey is sweet and delicious but it is very different to the honey made by bees. This is much darker, was invented using sugarcane as raw material and it was introduced in Spain by the Moors.

At the moment the only sugarcane honey factory in Europe is located in Málaga, in a beautiful hillside town called Frigiliana which belongs to La Axarquía. This region is the only one where sugarcane grows due to its great weather and the wonderful condition of its soil.

Sugarcane honey is something unique, with a very distinctive flavour and with many good properties for our health as it is mainly juice of sugarcane that has been purified by machines.

If you are on holiday at Hotel Yaramar, your hotel in Fuengirola, and you fancy tasting one of the most typical products from Costa del Sol and one of our best recipes, we recommend you to go to the Rivera Beach Club and order the delicious aubergines with sugarcane honey cooked daily by Salvador…We are sure you have never eaten anything as unique!

Beatriz Munoz

Guest Relations