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Lots to see in Mijas

Some weeks ago here on the blog of Hotel Yaramar we recommended you to visit the Historical-Ethnological Museum of Mijas though in this beautiful white village very close to Fuengirola, apart from this wonderful museum, there are still many more things to see.

A good example is a peculiar chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Peña, the patron saint of Mijas. It was excavated in stone by some friars more than 450 years ago, so a visit to this beautiful and unique place is well worth it.

Inside the chapel there is a beautiful and antique figure of the saint which is very worshipped and adored in the village, not only by locals but also by visitors.

This special sacred place is open daily and its entry is free. Also the views of the coast that you can enjoy from there are magnificent considering the chapel is around 400 metres above sea level.

Mijas is not only known because its typical whiteness and its spectacular views but also for being home of one of the cutest and sweetest animals in the world: the donkey.

The first tourists arrived in Costa del Sol in the magniearly 60sficent so it seems that when they saw labourers getting back home with their donkeys after a hard day of work they asked them if they could get a picture taken beside the animals or if they could ride them. The idea of the “burro-taxi” comes from this and nowadays not only they are an institution in Mijas but also one of its main touristic attractions.

In Mijas the donkey is not just a symbol but a very loved and respected animal, so for this reason nowadays there is a special parking area just for them and a Non-Profit Association called “El Refugio del Burrito”, which works to improve conditions for donkeys in Spain, has an agreement with the town hall in order to ensure the welfare and health of these beautiful animals.

Here in Hotel Yaramar, your hotel in Fuengirola, we recommend you to make the most of one of our typical sunny days by visiting Mijas. Due to its proximity the bus service that connects Fuengirola and Mijas is reliable and frequent, so visiting the neighbour town is not only cheap but easy.

Enjoy the experience and please share it with us on our Facebook page Facebook page. You know how much we love to know about your holiday!

Beatriz Muñoz

Guest Relations