Privacy Policy

This legal text gives you details of how we collect and process your personal data through the use of our website, including any information that you can provide us through the site when you sign up for service or provide your contact information through the form enabled for this purpose.

By providing us with the information, we inform you that our services are not directed to those unable to give consent, so it guarantees that you have sufficient capacity to give consent when you send us the form.


Please find below the Privacy Policy of: Hotel Yaramar, S.L

  1. Data Controller.

Contact details of the organisation in charge:

Hotel Yaramar, S.L, with VAT number: B06970115, address at: C/Jaén, nº 2, 29640 Fuengirola Málaga, phone number: (+0034) 952921100 and Email:

Commercial Registry of Malaga, Volume 6061, Document 4968, Folio 38, Section 8, Page MA162561, Inscription 1ª (12.08.21)

Hotel Yaramar, S.L, is the controller or your data. (From now on we, us or our).

  1. What data do we collect?

The General Data Protection Regulation, tell us that personal data is all the information about an identified or identifiable natural person, that is, all the information capable of identifying a person. This would not include anonymous or percentage data.

The personal data we may collect directly from the data subject, will be treated as confidential and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity ownership of Hotel Yaramar, S.L.

On our website we can process certain types of personal data, which may include:


We do collect any data related to special categories of personal data (those that reveal their ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union affiliation and information about their health, genetic or biometric data).

In case you are requested to collect personal data by law or according to the terms of contract between us and you refuse to provide them, we may not be able to make such contract or provide the service; you must notify us about this in advance

  1. How do we collect your personal information?

The means we use to collect personal data are:


To guarantee the security of our website, we have reserved the right to reject any registration request or to stop or cancel a registry that has already been accepted if we consider it does not meet these requirements or any other law or rule. In the event of this happening, we will try to explain the reasons of our decision, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to do it in all cases.


  1. Purpose and legitimacy for the use of your data.

The most common uses of your personal data are:

The user may revoke the consent given at any time by sending an e-mail to or by consulting the section of exercise of rights below.

Below we attach a table in which you can consult the ways in which we will use your personal data and the legitimacy for its use, as well as knowing what kind of personal data we are going to deal with. We can process some personal data for some additional legal reason, so if you need details regarding this you can send an e-mail to

FormPurposeType of dataLegitimacy for treatment
ContactThe purpose is the processing of the contacts and information requests received through the website–        Name

–        E-mail

Consent of the data subject (art. 6.1.a GDPR)


Pre-contractual measures (art. 6.1.b GDPR)

Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests

pursued by the data controller. (art. 6.1f GDPR)

ReservationsThe purpose is the processing of reservations–        Name

–        Surname

–        E-mail

–        Phone number

–        Date of birth

–        Bank details

Consent of the data subject (art. 6.1.a GDPR)


Processing is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (art. 6.1.c GDPR)


Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. (art. 6.1b GDPR)


Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests

pursued by the data controller (art. 6.1f GDPR).


My reservationsThe purpose is the processing of the reservations made.–        E-mail 

Consent of the data subject (art. 6.1.a GDPR)


Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (art. 6.1.c GDPR)


Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (art. 6.1b GDPR)


Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller (art. 6.1f GDPR)

BlogThe purpose is to send comments through the blog–        E-mail

–        Password

Consent of the Data Subject (art. 6.1.a GDPR)


Purpose: We will only use your data for the purposes for which we collect it, unless we reasonably believe that we must use it for another reason, notifying you in advance so that you are informed of the legal reason for processing it and provided that the purpose is compatible with the original purpose.

  1. For how long will we keep your data?

They will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purposes and the treatment of the data. The provisions of the files and documentation regulations will apply.

  1. Minors.

Hotel Yaramar, S.L does not authorise children under the age of 14 to provide personal data through the means available on this website (online forms to request services, contact forms or e-mails). Thus, those who provide their personal data by using these means formally state that are over 14 years of age leaving Hotel Yaramar, S.L exempt of any responsibility for the non-compliance of this requirement.

If your child’s age is under the established age limit, and has provided personal data to Hotel Yaramar, S.L, contact us to request the exercise of your applicable rights.

In the cases in which the existing procedures offer by Hotel Yaramar, S.L are aimed at people under 14 years of age the means will be provided to obtain the authorisation of the minor’s parents or legal guardians.

  1. Your rights in Data Protection:

How to exercise these rights? Users can send a communication to the registered office of  Hotel Yaramar, S.L or to the e-mail address, including in both cases photocopies of your ID card or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of the following rights:

You can use the models placed at your disposal by The Spanish Data Protection Agency, to exercise your previous rights: Here

Claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD): if you consider that there is a problem a with the way in which Hotel Yaramar, S.L is processing your data, you can direct  your claims to the corresponding control authority, being in Spain, the competent for it: Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

We may have to request specific information to help us confirm your identity and guarantee your right to access your personal data (or exercise any of the rights mentioned above). This is a security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who does not have the right to receive it.

All the requests are solved within the legal term indicated of 1 month. However, it could take more than a month if your request is particularly complex. In this case we will notify you and keep you updated.

  1. Transfer of personal data: provision of services.

It is possible that, in the performance of our work, we need the help of third parties, that will only process the data to provide the contracted service, and with whom we have the corresponding measures to guarantee your rights:

We only allow such controllers to process your data for certain purposes and in accordance with our instructions. However, you can request, in compliance with transparency, a list of who are these companies that provide us services. You can do this by sending an email to:

  1. 9. Data Security.

We have implemented the appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an authorised manner, modified or disclosed. In addition, we limit the access to your personal data to those employees, contractors, and other third parties who have a commercial need to know such data. They will only process your personal data according to our instructions and will be subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have implemented procedures to deal with any suspicion of violation of your personal data and will notify you and the Control Authority in case a security breach occurs, as regulated in the GDPR, in articles 33 and 34.